April 24, 2021

A gathering place for Black students, athletes in competition, and more news in brief

A collection of concise news items about Beloit.

The Chinese Club

Beloit's first Chinese Club was formed by students in 1919. Beloit's first Chinese Club was formed by students in 1919.Beloit’s first Chinese Club, shown here, was formed by students in 1919, a time when the college was welcoming many students from China. The club helped members adjust to student life in America, and its outreach included performances, talks, and commentary in local newspapers.

Fast forward to March 2021, and Beloit’s Chinese Club is going strong, with student members celebrating more than 100 years since their club’s founding.

Back in play

After a long pandemic hiatus, student athletes returned to competition play in March. The Midwest Conference announced in February that spring league competition would resume. Beloit considered how to proceed safely, announcing in March that spring sports would play, but without spectators in the stands. Small groups of spectators were allowed in April.

Mods will end

During Covid, Beloit reimagined semesters into two seven-week modules, showing national leadership in higher education at a time of urgency. Modules allowed students to focus on only two courses at a time when many were offered remotely. This fall, as campus life returns to normal, Beloit will go back to regular, semester-length courses.

Reunion plans

The Alumni Office is busy planning for Beloiter Days Weekend Oct. 1-3, which includes Homecoming, Reunion, Family & Friends Weekend, and a special celebration of Beloit’s 175th anniversary. The weekend may include a combination of in-person and virtual events. A decision about holding in-person events on campus will be made by July 31.

Grace’s Place

The former Java Joint coffee shop in Pearsons Hall reopens this spring as Grace’s Place, a gathering place for Black students named for Grace Ousley (1904), Beloit’s first Black woman graduate. The idea for Grace’s Place came out of Beloit’s anti-racism goals and through the work of former Black Students United president Ayrssa Harris’21.

Welcome New Board Members

Beloit’s board of trustees introduced seven new members at its winter meeting in February. All are Beloit College alumni. A hearty welcome to Phyllis Wolff Banucci’65, Roy Schneiderman’77, Paul Foster’86, Raj Fernando’93, Tori Key’03, Alex Catalan’10, and Oceana Gilliam’17. See our February alumni newsletter for more information on the board’s newest members.


Beloit's 2019-20 student retention rate from first-year to second-year during a worldwide pandemi...


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Also In This Issue

  • Students celebrate the one year anniversary of the Powerhouse.

    Powerhouse Marks First Year

  • O.V. “Verne” Shaffer’50

    In Remembrance: O.V. “Verne” Shaffer’50, Sculptor

  • The serenity of Beloit’s campus in fall from the Sanger Center for the Sciences rooftop.

    Beloit is “a bright spot in challenging times”

  • Student activists take over Middle College, turning it into a Black Cultural Center in 1969.

    Student Activists Make Their Mark


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